Honorary Presidents

榮譽會長杜雲峰 Du Yunfeng, Honorary President:
国家一级武术裁判, 武林泰斗张桐嫡传弟子(形意八卦第五代传人), 陈氏掌门陈立清关门弟子(陈氏太极第十二代传人)。 西安市武术协会副主席,中华武术研究会秘书长,国家一级武术裁判,国家武术段位专业评判员,形意八卦第五代传人,陈氏太极第 12 代传人,国家级体育指导员,武术六段,武术杂志副编辑。
2008年美国NBA 著名球星肖恩.巴蒂尔(Shane Battier),当场拜师学太极,中央电视台现场报道。 六十年培养学生获得奖牌:张静 2012 年美国全美武术比赛中获太 极拳剑全能冠军, 赵长军号称武术王子,吴雅楠北京奥运会太极拳剑全能 冠军。 现在大多伦多任教练, 为省专业队输送多名专业运动员。2016年在加拿大国会山表演太极。

榮譽會長 Jennifer Zhu, Honorary President:
Jennifer Zhu, VP of Marketing. Jennifer specializes in financial markets. She graduated in journalism and later worked as a TV reporter. Jennifer is still actively involved in organizing performance drama in both Waterloo and Toronto.Aftre her successful career at Canada National Television(CNTV) as Editor-in-chief, she is now the Vice President of Canada Chinese International Television(CCITV).



前會長 警官 Richard Rogers, Former President:
Richard Rogers was the President of Martial Arts Association Canada.He has been a student of martial arts for over 35 years. Richard specializes in self defence techniques, having taught various law enforcement personnel worldwide including close quarter combat techniques to riot squads and SWAT teams. Regardless of the rank he holds, Richard will always consider himself a student and feels both honoured and humbled to be the President of the MartialArts Association.
He holds the below listed ranks: 4th Dan Taiho Jutsu and hold the title of Renshi. 2nd Dan Aiki Kempo Karate Do –This art is of Chinese Origin the founder being the late William Kwai Sun Chow. 2nd Dan Shotokan Karate.He holds high kyu ranks in Yoshinkan Aikido and Kosho Ryu Kempo. Registered by the Province of Ontario as an Oleoresin Capsicum instructor. Registered by the Province of Ontario as a PR-24 instructor. Certified by the company ASP as an expandable baton instructor. Certified as a Glock Armourer.

前會長 警官 Stephanie Nassis, Former President:
Officer Nassis have extensive law enforcement experience and training background at Police College, also she organized many art events to support charity organizations. A certified nature nutritionist, she often hosts seminars on wellness and life styles.


前會長 Dennis Andersen, Former President:
A licensed engineer, Dennis has great passion to different forms of martial arts, Qigong etc also. An open-minded individual, he promotes cultures of martial arts with inspiration actively.



前會長 陳楚標警官 Bill Chan, Former President:
A police officer well known to Chinese communities in Greater Toronto Area, for many years officer Chan have been as Liaison Director Toronto Police Chinese Community Consultative Committee. Officer Chan resigned to focus on his new role as the Executive Director of the well known The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association (TCCSA) in 2017. With his great leadership and tremendous resources originally from Royal Hong Kong Police Force, officer Chan successfully organized many fundraising events to serve charity in communities in GTA.


前常務副會長 萬雅麗 Alice Wan, Former Executive Vice President
Ms. Alice Wan is the founder and CEO of China Focus Group that successfully hosted a number of events that have received positive media attention and equally positive public response. Among the most popular of our events is the Chinese Lantern Festival which is held annually at Toronto’s Ontario Place. In 2011, the Guangzhou Ballet Company’s sold-out performance at the Sony Center was another major success.


副會長 Adela Ilie, Vice President:
Adela Ilie, Vice President of Training, brings with her years of experience in gymnastics as well as being a professional martial arts instructor (Taichi). Adela is a two time winner of Health Qigong international competitions. She finds time in her busy schedule to teach Taichi at Police HQ to ITS personnel.





前副會長 楊晉 James Yang, Former Vice President:
As a director in city government in South China, James had technical and management background. Benefiting from practicing Taichi, he has been continuously learning and practicing the arts of Taichi for more than ten years. His SIFU is the famous Mr. Cheng Zhiqiang 八大金刚 陈志强先生, the Eight Kings of Taichi, and 3 times Taichi National Champion of China. As the best Chen Style Taichi instructor in MAC, James led Taichi classes at Toronto Police, and York Region District School Board, Ontario.

前司庫 Agnes Liu, Former Treasurer:
Agnes worked at lawyer office, and she specialized on Leadership Training Program for managers, and business owners: SCARF model, The Brain of an Entrepreneurs, and about neuro-leadership. Working closely with Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC), she organized Dr. Carlos Davidovich and Mr. Lincoln Holnes as keynote speakers of the CPAC Leadership Club.


前秘書長 Amy Yu, Former Secretary:
Amy is a young artist, practicing ballet dancing for many years. Currently a student of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Amy is a young leader with talents and awards.